Saturday, August 22, 2009

The start

So welcome to the fitness blog. I'm not going to post a "before" picture, even though I probably should. Maybe when I can look back & say "that was then" and have some distance from it I will post something. For now, I'd rather focus on where I will be in two months.

I have been trying for a while to get back into working out. It's been super hard because of work, and kids. I never knew how difficult it could be for working moms to find time to fit in exercise. I know that exercise actually gives you more energy, and that you can do more for your kids, and yadda yadda yadda. But after fitting in everything I can fit into a day for the last couple of years, I just could not find an extra couple of hours a day to go to the gym. I've tried a couple of times but something has come up that has made it difficult.

Yes, in one case the something was depression about not getting a job and I could have done it. But that's still something.

Anyway. This semester at work I'm only teaching Tuesdays & Thursdays, so Mon, Wed and Fri after I drop off the kids at school I will be AT THE GYM at approximately 8:30 every morning. After a minimum 1.5 hour workout I will be back home to post something about fitness in this blog, every day. That way, it will be like having a workout buddy who will keep me honest. I will also be doing bellydancing class every Tuesday night, and try to find at least one other fitness related activity a week which will give me 5 days a week of strong workouts.

I am making this specific blog so I don't overwhelm the other places in my life with talk about this. If you want to cheer me on or be one of the people holding my feet over the fire of aerobicizing, come here and comment or whatever.

The goal means I have to lose about 2 pounds a week. It IS do-able. I've done it before (six years ago when I lost 50 pounds.) But it does mean NO alcohol, light meals, and burning at least 500 calories a day more than I consume.

Anyway. Here goes!! Monday is officially day One.


Anonymous said...

Go Kim! Go Kim! Rah rah rah! :-)

nissa, goddess after five said...

Ask at your gym if they do metabolism assessments so you can find out what HR range you are most efficiently burning calories from fat. And get yourself a heart rate monitor. The calorie counters on the machines are bogus. And go get yourself a HR

nissa, goddess after five said...

I thought it was so important for you to get the monitor that I said it twice :)