Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back to It

So the day I fell, I was lying on the ground waiting for Andrew to come get me and help me walk into the house and as the tears were dribbling from the corners of my eyes I realized that I was going to be seriously delayed in my fitness plan by the ankle incident. I tried really hard to not be TOO bad without the workout-- not eat like a piggie, not drink like a fish. But I have been a bit of a backslider, and I suspect any weight I lost on my two weeks of working out is probably back again. And my aerobic fitness is not where it was.

I did go to bellydancing this past week & learned the rest of a very cool dance routine, and this coming week we start a new one. So that's cool, and I will be happy to keep that up. Yesterday the troupe performed down at the big shopping mall (The Boardwalk) and we went to watch. They did the routine I learned and I mostly knew it. If I'm following someone, I remember it pretty well. I have a hard time remembering it when I'm alone, but someone recorded it, so I can practice it in the future.

Anyway, no more eating bad food, no more "just a glass" of wine. The 6 weeks of boot camp starts back up today.

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